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Lifestories: Families in Crisis: Episodes

Lifestories: Families in Crisis

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Lifestories: Families in Crisis

Drama, Family

8/1/92 – 2/8/96

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic 8/1/92
2 A Deadly Secret: The Robert Bierer Story 8/8/92
3 Public Law 106: The Becky Bell Story 8/15/92
4 Gunplay: The Last Day in the Life of Brian Darling 9/19/92
5 Blood Brothers: The Joey DiPaolo Story 9/26/92
6 No Visible Bruises: The Katie Koestner Story 1/12/93
7 More Than Friends: The Coming Out of Heidi Leiter 1/24/94
8 Dead Drunk: The Kevin Tunell Story 3/15/93
9 A Body to Die For: The Aaron Henry Story 3/23/94
10 Brotherly Love: The Trevor Ferrell Story 3/31/94
11 A Child Betrayed: The Calvin Mire Story 4/11/94
12 Confronting Brandon: The Intervention of an Addict 5/20/94
13 POWER: The Eddie Matos Story 7/12/94
14 A Dangerous Affair 1/1/95
15 Someone Had to Be Benny 2/8/96