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Little Busters!: Episodes

Little Busters!

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Little Busters!

Comedy, Drama, Anime, Romance

10/6/12 – 12/28/13

Tokyo MX


Season 2

# Name Date
1 It Struck Without Warning 10/5/13
2 It Was Raining Back Then, Too 10/12/13
3 I Wanted to Stay Here Forever 10/19/13
4 Riki and Rin 10/26/13
5 The Final Task 11/2/13
6 At the End of the Escape 11/9/13
7 May 13 11/16/13
8 Proof of the Strongest 11/23/13
9 A Friend's Tear 11/30/13
10 And Now, I Repeat It All 12/7/13
11 The End of the World 12/14/13
12 One Wish 12/21/13
13 Little Busters 12/28/13

Season 1

# Name Date
1 We'll Call Ourselves... 10/6/12
2 If You're Happy, I'm Happy 10/13/12
3 I Like Cute Things 10/20/12
4 We'll Make a Happy, Sunny Place 10/27/12
5 Looking for Something I Lost 11/3/12
6 Let's Find Wonderful Things 11/10/12
7 Now Then, Guess Who! 11/17/12
8 Let's Look for Roommates! 11/24/12
9 Save the Cafeteria! 12/1/12
10 The Blue of the Sky, the Blue of the Sea 12/8/12
11 See, There Ain't No Ghosts 12/15/12
12 Endless Blue Sky 12/22/12
13 To Where Endings Begin 1/5/13
14 So I'll Reach Out for Your Hand 1/12/13
15 Hell Yeah, This Totally Rocks! 1/19/13
16 Don't Look at Me Like That 1/26/13
17 I Wanted Someone to Be Close to Me 2/2/13
18 The Answer is in Your Heart 2/9/13
19 I'm Sure I'll Keep Doing My Best 2/16/13
20 Heal Lovesickness 2/23/13
21 50 Nautical Mile Sky 3/2/13
22 I'll Definitely Come Back 3/9/13
23 For What You Find Important 3/16/13
24 If You're Happy, Rin-chan, Then I'm Happy Too 3/23/13
25 The Last Member 3/30/13
26 The Best Friends Ever 4/6/13