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Madame's Place: Episodes

Madame's Place

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Madame's Place

Comedy, Romance

9/20/82 – 2/25/83

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Sarah Joy Takes Up Acting 9/20/82
2 Madame And The Psychologist Part 1 9/21/82
3 Madame And The Psychologist Part 2 9/22/82
4 Bernadette Quits 9/23/82
5 Stalker, The 9/24/82
6 Madame Searches For A Husband 9/27/82
7 Buzzy Falls For Sara Joy 9/28/82
8 Evangelist, The 9/29/82
9 Sara Joy Comes To Live 9/30/82
10 Publisher Want To Print Pinkys Memoirs 10/1/82
11 Unwelcome Houses Guest 10/4/82
12 Sara Joy Dates Pee Wee Herman 10/5/82
13 Celebrity Roast 10/6/82
14 Doctored Television Piece 10/7/82
15 Sara Joy And The Movie Director 10/8/82
16 Security System, The 10/11/82
17 Madame To Have A Baby 10/12/82
18 Madame Gets Sued Part 2 10/13/82
19 #019 10/14/82
20 #020 10/15/82
21 #021 10/18/82
22 #022 10/19/82
23 #023 10/20/82
24 #024 10/21/82
25 #025 10/22/82
26 #026 10/25/82
27 #027 10/26/82
28 #028 10/27/82
29 #029 10/28/82
30 #030 10/29/82
31 #031 11/1/82
32 #032 11/2/82
33 #033 11/3/82
34 #034 11/4/82
35 #035 11/5/82
36 #036 11/8/82
37 #037 11/9/82
38 #038 11/10/82
39 #039 11/11/82
40 #040 11/12/82
41 #041 11/15/82
42 #042 11/16/82
43 #043 11/17/82
44 #044 11/18/82
45 #045 11/19/82
46 #046 11/22/82
47 #047 11/23/82
48 #048 11/24/82
49 #049 11/25/82
50 #050 11/26/82
51 #051 11/29/82
52 #052 11/30/82
53 #053 12/1/82
54 #054 12/2/82
55 #055 12/3/82
56 #056 1/31/83
57 #057 2/1/83
58 #058 2/2/83
59 #059 2/3/83
60 #060 2/4/83
61 #061 2/7/83
62 #062 2/8/83
63 #063 2/9/83
64 #064 2/10/83
65 #065 2/11/83
66 #066 2/14/83
67 #067 2/15/83
68 #068 2/16/83
69 #069 2/17/83
70 #70 2/18/83
71 #071 2/21/83
72 #072 2/22/83
73 #073 2/23/83
74 #074 2/24/83
75 #075 2/25/83