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Mr. Corman

Mr. Corman

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Mr. Corman

Comedy, Drama

8/6/21 – 10/1/21

What is Mr. Corman about (plot, summary)

Mr. Corman follows the days and nights of Josh Corman, played by Gordon-Levitt, an artist at heart but not by trade. A career in music hasn't panned out, and he teaches fifth grade at a public school in the San Fernando Valley. His ex-fiancé Megan has moved out and his high school buddy Victor has moved in. He knows he has a lot to be thankful for, but finds himself struggling nevertheless through anxiety, loneliness and a sinking suspicion that he sucks as a person. Darkly funny, oddly beautiful and deeply heartfelt, this relatable dramedy speaks for our contemporary generation of 30-somethings – rich with good intentions, poor with student loans and yearning to become real grown-ups sometime before they die.