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Mr Inbetween

Mr Inbetween

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Mr Inbetween

Comedy, Drama, Crime

9/25/18 –

United States

What is Mr Inbetween about (plot, summary)

Juggling a new relationship, parental responsibilities, friendship and a sick brother while earning a living would be difficult for anyone, but it's particularly difficult when you're a hitman. Ray Shoesmith "takes care of people" - collecting debts, relieving them of drugs and guns, and often taking care of them on a permanent basis. Ray demands respect and does not tolerate anyone who doesn't live up to his very strong and very clear code of ethics. The few he trusts - daughter Brittany, brother Bruce and best friend Gary - he'll do anything for, so when Gary is set up by his own brother-in-law, Ray rips the lid off a Pandora's box of inter-gang conflict and personal retributions. As a series of very unfortunate, very bloody and darkly funny events play out, the bodies pile up, and Ray must avoid being one of them.

Ray Shoesmith is a father, ex-husband, boyfriend and best friend — tough roles to juggle in the modern age. They're even harder when you're a criminal for hire...