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My Voice for You

My Voice for You

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My Voice for You


9/8/17 –


What is My Voice for You about (plot, summary)

A 46-year-old stubborn math teacher has trouble talking with others. His wife left home with her child being fed up with such a boring husband. One day, his boss tells him to go to a speech class but he can't get along with a female instructor and soon quits the class. A few days later, the two meet again at a reading class on the outskirts of the town.

A 46-year-old stubborn math teacher has trouble talking with others. His wife left home with her child being fed up with such a boring husband. One day, his boss tells him to go to a speech class but he can't get along with a female instructor and soon quits the class. A few days later, the two meet again at a reading class on the outskirts of the town.