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Mystery Lane: Episodes

Mystery Lane

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Mystery Lane

4/17/23 – 4/21/23

United Kingdom

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Invisible Thief 4/17/23
2 The Evil Knight 4/18/23
3 An Empty Cage at Wimbledon Stadium 4/19/23
4 The Treasure of the Catacombs 4/20/23
5 The Secret of the Templars 4/21/23
6 Project Hippocampus 4/24/23
7 The Octopus Trap 4/25/23
8 The Serval of the Thames 4/26/23
9 The Invincible Adversary 4/27/23
10 The Diamond Gnome 4/28/23
11 The Attack of the Giant Ant 5/1/23
12 The Return of Warragul 5/2/23
13 The Vengeance of the Werewolf 5/3/23
14 The Forgotten Threat 5/4/23