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Наш спецназ

Наш спецназ

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Наш спецназ

Drama, Crime, Action

10/16/22 – 9/24/23

Russian Federation

What is Наш спецназ about (plot, summary)

Viktor Firsov, 45, already knew who he wanted to become as a child, because he had a great role model in front of his eyes - his personal ideal and his father, Lieutenant Colonel Igor Firsov. When Viktor was 18, his father died in the line of duty. And immediately after returning from the army, Victor took over his father's baton. Firsov is now a senior intelligence officer and commander of the Clubs immediate response team (the call sign of Firsov's squad is one of four constantly ready to respond to any emergency in the city). He has excellent fighters under his command, whom Firsov has personally trained and on whom he can rely as on himself. They have to not only respond to hot calls (ranging from raids on drug dens to tracking down particularly dangerous criminals), but also investigate crimes themselves "hot on the trail."