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No Return

No Return

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No Return

Drama, Crime, Thriller

2/7/22 – 2/7/22

United Kingdom

What is No Return about (plot, summary)

Kathy and Martin are looking forward to a fun and relaxing family holiday with their two children, Noah and Jessica. They're off to Turkey to enjoy the sun, sea and sand, and spend some much-needed family time together.

But their dream holiday soon plunges into a nightmare, as Noah accepts a seemingly innocent invitation to a beach party.

Things unfold faster than a sun-lounger as the family is left desperately fighting for their son's freedom against the powers of the law, an alien legal system, looming media coverage and resistance from fellow holidaymakers unwilling to lend a helping hand. 

Noah should be at home sitting his latest exams. Instead, he's facing an entirely different kind of test.