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Pasión y Poder

Pasión y Poder

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Pasión y Poder

Drama, Romance

10/5/15 – 4/10/16


What is Pasión y Poder about (plot, summary)

Pasión y Poder is a soap opera revolves around family dramas and corporate powers of two rival families. That rivalry that has lasted for years has originated many years ago, when Arturo Montenegro and Eladio Gómez Luna love of the beautiful Ana Laura disputed. Eladio was the one who ultimately married her. Many years later Ana Laura is a very unhappy woman abuse and therefore supports the wickedness of her husband, with the only consolation the love of his son Federico, a complete antithesis of his father. As Arthur, after being widowed from his first wife married the flighty Nina with whom he had three children: Rogelio, Ana Karen and Paulina. Arturo Being so involved in their business do not realize the humiliations Nina and his sons Roger and Lucy do to Peter, son of his first marriage. Is constantly tormented by them, nicknamed "The Fool".