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Primer amor... a mil por hora

Primer amor... a mil por hora

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Primer amor... a mil por hora

Drama, Romance

10/9/00 – 2/23/01


What is Primer amor... a mil por hora about (plot, summary)

Giovanna Luna and Marina Iturriaga are two inseparable friends who live in very different worlds. Jovana lives in a humble home and in her spare time working in a cafeteria to help her father with household expenses, while Marina is a wealthy girl who keeps in constant conflict with her mother, a recognized mother. Both friends are about to celebrate Marmelo's birthday, and Catalina, Jovana's capricious mother, dreams of throwing a big party for her daughter despite the precarious situation at home. Jovana is flattered by León Baldomero, a humble mechanic who sincerely loves her, but this relationship is completely disapproved of by Catalina, who is strongly opposed to León's economic condition.