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Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner: Episodes

Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner

✔ Rating Saved!

Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner

Fantasy, Action

9/2/66 – 11/25/66

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Peril In the Surface World/So Spreads the Net/A Prince There Was
2 The Start of the Quest!/Escape To Nowhere/A Prince There Was
3 Not All My Power Can Save Me!/When Fails the Quest/End of the Quest
4 Atlantis Under Attack/Sands of Terror/Iron Idol of Infamy
5 Thing From Space/No Escape For Namor/Prince Dies Fighting
6 To Conquer a Crown/Prince No More/He Who Wears the Crown
7 To Walk Amongst Men/When Rises the Behemoth/To the Death
8 Atlantis is Doomed/The World Within!/Quest for the X-Atom
9 Beware the Sirens Song/Spell of Lorelei/Return of the Mud Beast
10 Ship of Doom/Fall of Atlantis/Forces of Vengeance
11 Planet of Doom/To Test a Prince/To Save a Planet
12 Dr. Doom's Day/Doomed Allegiance/Tug to Death
13 Let the Stranger Die..!/To Destroy a Tyrant/Save a City