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Puppy Dog Pals

Puppy Dog Pals

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Puppy Dog Pals

Comedy, Children

4/14/17 –

United States

What is Puppy Dog Pals about (plot, summary)

Puppy Dog Pals is about fun-loving pug puppies, brothers Bingo and Rolly, have thrill-seeking appetites that take them on exhilarating adventures in their neighborhood and around the globe. Whether helping their owner Bob or assisting a friend in need, the pugs' motto is that life is more exciting with your best friend by your side. Each episode features two 11-minute stories that showcase Bingo and Rolly's similarities and differences while demonstrating positive lessons about friendship, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity and adventure.

Puppy Dog Pals is about fun-loving pug puppies, brothers Bingo and Rolly, have thrill-seeking appetites that take them on exhilarating adventures in their neighborhood and around the globe. Whether helping their owner Bob or assisting a friend in need, the pugs' motto is that life is more exciting with your best friend by your side. Each episode features two 11-minute stories that showcase Bingo and Rolly's similarities and differences while demonstrating positive lessons about friendship, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity and adventure.