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Sangue caldo

Sangue caldo

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Sangue caldo

Drama, Crime

9/9/11 – 10/14/11


What is Sangue caldo about (plot, summary)

The plot of Sangue Caldo takes place mainly in Rome between 1958, when it was passed the famous law that Merlin closed forever brothels, and 1967. Anna Rosi is a prostitute who has decided to leave the house closed to marry her man, Arturo Paglia said Mister, a gentleman thief determined to make a last bank robbery and then live in peace with his wife and her children, Antonia, Sergio and Aeneas. The coup fails, but the accomplice of Mr. Gianni Fontana, wants to seize loot and to do this will act with violence and ferocity against the Mister family. The three brothers will be divided: Antonia ends up in a boarding school run by nuns; Sergio is sold to a child trafficker and Aeneas, because of his rebellious spirit and abusive, ends up in a house of correction. Their lives seem so to be divided forever.