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Say Nothing

Say Nothing

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Say Nothing

Drama, History

11/14/24 – 11/14/24

What is Say Nothing about (plot, summary)

Spanning four decades, Say Nothing explores the tumultuous period in Northern Ireland known as The Troubles. The series launches with the shocking disappearance of Jean McConville, a single mother of ten who was abducted from her home in 1972 and never seen alive again. But McConville was only one of many others who became known collectively as The Disappeared.

Through the eyes of various IRA members, including sisters Dolours and Marian Price—young women who transformed into magnetic symbols of radical politics, Brendan Hughes—a tight-lipped but conflicted military strategist, and Gerry Adams—a savvy political operator who would go on to negotiate peace but ultimately deny his involvement with the IRA, Say Nothing unpacks the extremes some people will go to within a civil rights movement as they pursue their ideals, the mystery surrounding The Disappeared, the cost of silence, and the way society mends – or doesn't – after a long and bloody conflict.