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Сладкая жизнь

Сладкая жизнь

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Сладкая жизнь

Comedy, Drama, Romance

6/2/14 – 6/1/16


Russian Federation

What is Сладкая жизнь about (plot, summary)

This is a story told through passion and betrayal, through irony and fears, through wealth and poverty, through happiness and loneliness. The only thing that the characters of the series are really successful at is the ability to create problems for themselves. They all strive to live only the way they want. One can't let go of the past in any way, the other wants a beautiful life, and the third craves sex on the side. The frankness is not only that we observe the intimate relationships of the characters. The creators of the series are not afraid to show the audience someone else's life as it is, in all its charm and imperfection.