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Sorry, I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Episodes

Sorry, I'm a Stranger Here Myself

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Sorry, I'm a Stranger Here Myself



United Kingdom

Season 2

# Name Date
1 Whither Henry 4/13/82
2 First Take Your Shepherd 4/20/82
3 A Cut Above the Restaurant 4/27/82
4 You Wash 5/4/82
5 Keep Away from Children 5/11/82
6 The Camel's Back 5/18/82

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Death of a Songbird 6/15/81
2 Arrival 6/22/81
3 All Friends 6/29/81
4 Haven't You Got Homes? 7/6/81
5 Small Hours 7/13/81
6 Never Look Back 7/20/81
7 Dress Optional 7/27/81