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Star Trek: Short Treks: Episodes

Star Trek: Short Treks

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Star Trek: Short Treks

Science-Fiction, Drama, Action

10/4/18 – 1/9/20

Season 2

# Name Date
lang Episode lang
1 Q&A 10/5/19
2 The Trouble with Edward 10/10/19
3 Ask Not 11/14/19
4 Ephraim & Dot 12/12/19
5 The Girl Who Made the Stars 12/12/19
6 Children of Mars 1/9/20

Season 1

# Name Date
lang Episode lang
1 Runaway 10/4/18
2 Calypso 11/8/18
3 The Brightest Star 12/6/18
4 The Escape Artist 1/3/19