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StuGo: Episodes


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1/11/25 – 1/26/25

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Legitimate Summer Camp 1/11/25
2 Dog Eat Dog 1/11/25
3 Nannytee 1/11/25
4 Noodle It (A Little Bit) 1/11/25
5 Diorama Drama 1/19/25
6 Goat Racket 1/19/25
7 Breakfast at Chippany's 1/19/25
8 Birdyguard 1/19/25
9 No Manhands Is An Island 1/26/25
10 Sister Swim 1/26/25
11 Moon Moon 1/26/25
12 Mailbog 1/26/25
13 Finders Kelpers 2/2/25
14 Truck Everlasting 2/2/25
15 Alpha Betta Chip 2/12/25
16 The Bomb Swapper 2/12/25
17 The Wolf of Jealousy 2/16/25
18 Stench Mensch 2/16/25
19 Francis Wants to Be Alone 2/23/25
20 The Sash 2/23/25
21 Deep Trent 3/1/25
22 Disaster Play 3/1/25
23 Shapesister 3/8/25
24 Lullah's Game 3/8/25
25 Night Mutants 3/15/25
26 Chunk Beastknuckles 3/15/25
27 The Leg Farm 3/22/25
28 Unquenchable Thurst 3/22/25
29 Plantcis 3/29/25
30 Big Ol' Heads Egg Salad Venture 3/29/25