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Tarzan and Jane

Tarzan and Jane

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Tarzan and Jane

Adventure, Action, Children

1/6/17 –

United States

What is Tarzan and Jane about (plot, summary)

Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and Jane centers around Tarzan who is found in the jungle as a baby after his parents die in a plane crash and is saved at birth from his airplane injuries by a local medicine man who injected him with various lotions and potions from animal DNA's that we later learn have given him great powers such as the speed of a cheetah and the strength of a rhino. He is raised in the jungle by a gorilla until the age of 15 at which point he is found by an expedition from London paid for by his billionaire grandfather. This is where we meet Jane who is part of the expedition and becomes a very important person in his life and in our story as his equal.

Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and Jane centers around Tarzan who is found in the jungle as a baby after his parents die in a plane crash and is saved at birth from his airplane injuries by a local medicine man who injected him with various lotions and potions from animal DNA's that we later learn have given him great powers such as the speed of a cheetah and the strength of a rhino. He is raised in the jungle by a gorilla until the age of 15 at which point he is found by an expedition from London paid for by his billionaire grandfather. This is where we meet Jane who is part of the expedition and becomes a very important person in his life and in our story as his equal.