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The Class: Episodes

The Class

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The Class


9/18/06 – 3/5/07

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Class Reunites 9/18/06
2 The Class Visits a Hospital 9/25/06
3 The Class Learns About Hurricanes 10/2/06
4 The Class Blows the Whistle 10/9/06
5 The Class Gets Frozen Yogurt 10/16/06
6 The Class Goes Trick-or-Treating 10/23/06
7 The Class Goes to a Bar 11/6/06
8 The Class Celebrates a Birthday 11/13/06
9 The Class Gives Thanks 11/20/06
10 The Class Runs Into a Convenience Store 11/27/06
11 The Class Celebrates an Anniversary 12/11/06
12 The Class Visits a Bad Neighborhood 1/8/07
13 The Class Hits It 1/15/07
14 The Class Has to Go to a Stupid Museum 1/22/07
15 The Class Eats Moroccan Chicken 2/5/07
16 The Class Has a Snow Day 2/12/07
17 The Class Springs a Leak 2/19/07
18 The Class Rides a Bull 2/26/07
19 The Class Goes Back to the Hospital 3/5/07