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The Creature Cases: Episodes

The Creature Cases

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The Creature Cases

Adventure, Action, Children

4/12/22 – 4/12/22

Season 4

# Name Date
1 The Spider's Stolen Silk 12/2/24
2 The Mystery in the Snow Maze 12/2/24
3 The Case of the Stinky Swamp 12/2/24
4 The Case of the Talking Tree 12/2/24
5 The Trail of the Tuatara 12/2/24
6 The Disaster at the Dust Spa 12/2/24
7 The Mysterious Swamp Rats 12/2/24
8 The Vanishing of Mr. Blue 12/2/24
9 The Bat Who Couldn't Remember 12/2/24
10 The Hidden Hitchhiker 12/2/24

Season 3

# Name Date
1 The Forest Food Bandit 5/22/23
2 The Case of the Absent Giraffe 5/22/23
3 The Frozen Stowaways 5/22/23
4 The Puzzle of the Empty Pond 5/22/23
5 The Undercover Hyena 5/22/23
6 The Stranger in the Burrow 5/22/23
7 The Bat Cave Crisis 5/22/23
8 The Mysterious Ant Circle 5/22/23
9 The Lost Capybara Kids 5/22/23
10 The Case of the Curious Keas 5/22/23
11 The Legend of the Night Howler 5/22/23
12 The Haystack Stakeout 5/22/23
13 The Case of the Scorpion's Sting 5/22/23
14 The Case of the Constant Dripping 5/22/23

Season 2

# Name Date
1 The Missing Mammoth: A Holiday Mystery 11/30/22

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Mystery on the Monsoon Express 4/12/22
2 The Riddle of Raging Rhinos / The Trouble in the Tundra 4/12/22
3 The Puzzle of the Plummeting Eggs / The Missing Mole Rat Princess 4/12/22
4 The Hunt for the Hidden Hive / The Trouble of the Toppled Trees 4/12/22
5 The Mysterious Fruit Thief / The Riddle of the Wrestling Lizards 4/12/22
6 The Disappearing Dung Ball / The Search for the Spotted Frog 4/12/22
7 The Case of the Big Chomp / The Secret of the Salt Cave 4/12/22
8 The Case of the Blue Bandit / The Honey Badger Break-In 4/12/22
9 The Unidentified Shiny Object / The Case of the Crying Monkey 4/12/22
10 The Search for the Silver Ant Hill / The Search for the Swamp Snapper 4/12/22
11 The Puzzle of the Poisonous Leaves / The Mystery of the Missing Hare 4/12/22
12 The Secret of the Sand Serpent / The Disappearance of Peggy Scratch 4/12/22
13 The Secret of the Salt Cave 4/12/22
14 The Case of the Blue Bandit 4/12/22
15 The Honey Badger Break-In 4/12/22
16 The Unidentified Shiny Object 4/12/22
17 The Case of the Crying Monkey 4/12/22
18 The Search for the Silver Ant Hill 4/12/22
19 The Search for the Swamp Snapper 4/12/22
20 The Puzzle of the Poisonous Leaves 4/12/22
21 The Mystery of the Missing Hare 4/12/22
22 The Secret of the Sand Serpent 4/12/22
23 The Disappearance of Peggy Scratch 4/12/22