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The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen

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The Dirty Dozen



United States

What is The Dirty Dozen about (plot, summary)

Danko is leader of the  new "Dirty Dozen," who is respected by his men and rejected by his superiors.  Other "Dirty Dozen" members include  Jonathan Farrell, a former Hollywood "hunk," who put his career on hold to defend his country. Dylan Leeds, a small-time forger, who double-crosses the mob. Janosz Feke, a Hungarlan- born Nazi hater out for justice. Jean LeBec, a Cajun demolitions expert caught in bed with the Colonel's wife. Twelve hardened convicts are given the opportunity to win their freedom. Their assigned mission is to debilitate and destroy the Nazis. Their private mission is to survive these deadly assignments and save themselves from death row. These twelve men are "The Dirty Dozen."