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The Feud

The Feud

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The Feud


United Kingdom

What is The Feud about (plot, summary)

The Feud introduces Emma and John Barnett who, along with their teenage daughter Beth, appear to live an idyllic life on Shelbury Drive. They're close friends with their neighbours, Sonia and Alan and despite their foibles, are also fond of older couple, Derek and Barbara. The close friendships in this seemingly peaceful street prove to be not quite as harmonious as they seem. When Emma and John decide to add a kitchen extension to their house, things quickly start to spin drastically out of control. As objections to the plans are raised, unexpected skeletons and life-threatening secrets begin to rise to the surface. Laced with menace, The Feud reveals how Emma's aspirational dream turns sharply into obsession, paranoia, and fear. One decision sets in motion events that have unforeseeable consequences for both her and the people living on her street.