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The Indian Doctor: Episodes

The Indian Doctor

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The Indian Doctor

Comedy, Drama, Medical

11/15/10 – 11/8/13

United Kingdom

Season 3

# Name Date
1 The Prodigals Return 11/4/13
2 The Gold Rush 11/5/13
3 Desperate Measures 11/6/13
4 Trapped 11/7/13
5 Into the Light 11/8/13

Season 2

# Name Date
1 Foreign Bodies 2/27/12
2 Immunity 2/28/12
3 The Miracle 2/29/12
4 Quarantine 3/1/12
5 The Source 3/2/12

Season 1

# Name Date
1 The Arrival 11/15/10
2 The Diary 11/16/10
3 Young Hearts 11/17/10
4 The Van 11/18/10
5 The Fete 11/19/10