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The Lost Islands: Episodes

The Lost Islands

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The Lost Islands




Season 1

# Name Date
1 Captured 2/23/76
2 The Snake Pit
3 The Treasure of Tambu
4 The Volcano's Secret
5 The Winds of Change
6 Malo
7 Doomed
8 The Treasure Map
9 The Mysterious Stranger
10 Skullduggery
11 The Great Escape
12 Jeremiah and the Widow
13 The Thieves of Tambu
14 The Deadly Bargain
15 Hanging Five
16 The Sea Dragon
17 Return to Malo
18 Ye Confounded Wheels
19 The Angry Mountain
20 The Great Horse Race
21 Birdman of Tambu
22 The Magic Box
23 The Wizard of Tambu
24 The Slave Horse
25 The Monster of Tambu
26 Return of the Monster