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The Lost Saucer: Episodes

The Lost Saucer

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The Lost Saucer


9/6/75 – 12/20/75

United States

Season 1

# Name Date
1 894X2RY713, I Love You 9/6/75
2 The Tiny Years 9/13/75
3 My Fair Robot 9/20/75
4 Transylvania 2300 9/27/75
5 Beautiful Downtown Atlantis 10/4/75
6 Where Did Everybody Go? 10/11/75
7 Get a Dorse 10/18/75
8 Androids Come Home 10/25/75
9 Valley of the Chickaphants 11/1/75
10 Return to the Valley of the Chickaphants 11/8/75
11 The Laughing Years 11/15/75
12 Fat is Beautiful 11/22/75
13 Planet of Lookalikes 11/29/75
14 Fi Am Woman 12/6/75
15 Polka Dot Years 12/13/75
16 Land of the Talking Plants 12/20/75