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The Man with the God Tongue

The Man with the God Tongue

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The Man with the God Tongue

Comedy, Drama, Mystery

7/8/16 – 9/9/16


What is The Man with the God Tongue about (plot, summary)

Ranmaru, Hikaru and Kanji go to Yunishigawa hot spring to look for a geisha girl, Miyabi. At a hotel there, they spot Miyabi leaving with a man, but fail to follow her as their old car runs out of petrol. Meanwhile, Kanji asks a hotel manager, Misuzu to let them stay for free in return for Ranmaru working as a bathhouse attendant. Then the president of the local hot spring union, Ishihara, rushes in and tell them that a dead body has been found in the river nearby. All those things bring a great turmoil. -- TBS