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This Life

This Life

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This Life

Drama, Family, Medical

– 12/11/16


What is This Life about (plot, summary)

What would you do if you were diagnosed with terminal cancer? In This Life, one woman finds out.

Set in contemporary Montreal, This Life is a funny, honest, heartfelt series about a regular family whose world turns upside down overnight. Like its French-language counterpart, Nouvelle adresse, this is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, a lifestyle columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to help her three teenage children get ready for the future, while trying her best to live in the now.

Natalie's diagnosis is a life-changer for everyone she loves. Faced with the uncertainty of life, each Lawson does their best to embrace the absurdity of the journey, while confronting the drama that comes with all of their choices, big and small. To get through all this Natalie leans on her two brothers, her sister and her parents, a close-knit, charmingly imperfect clan who each have their own unpredictable personal and professional hills to climb. Through a mix of drama and humour, This Life explores the many ups and downs of life in a touching, relatable and deeply human story that is positioned to resonate with Canadians across the country.