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Twinkling Watermelon

Twinkling Watermelon

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Twinkling Watermelon

Fantasy, Romance, Music

9/25/23 – 11/14/23

Korea, Republic of

What is Twinkling Watermelon about (plot, summary)

A CODA (child of deaf adult) student Eun Gyeol has hearing-impaired parents, but he has a gift for music. He is a model student by day and plays the guitar in a band at night. One day, he visits a mysterious musical instruments store and travels to a strange place. There, Eun Gyeol meets Yi Chan, Se Kyung and Cheong A. They form a band called "Watermelon Suga"r. Meanwhile, Yi Chan has a crush on Se Kyung, who is known as the "Cello Goddess" of Seowon Arts High School, and tries to win her heart.