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WHIH News Front

WHIH News Front

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WHIH News Front

7/2/15 – 5/3/16

What is WHIH News Front about (plot, summary)

A series of news bulletins on events within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as presented by reporter Christine Everhart.
WHIH News Front is an online news program supported by the television network WHiH World News. It started in July 2015 and is part of the promotional campign for the movie Ant-Man. In these online newsreports, the main item is about Scott Lang, a cyber criminal who is almost set to be released from prison. However the Battle of Sokovia (Events of the film "Avengers Age of Ultron") is discussed as well, and in the news headline ticker at the bottom of the screen, other references to the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be seen as well.