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Yogi's Treasure Hunt: Episodes

Yogi's Treasure Hunt

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Yogi's Treasure Hunt

Comedy, Children

9/2/85 – 3/3/86

United States

Season 3

# Name Date
1 Snow White and the 7 Treasure Hunters 1/6/86
2 Yogi's Heroes 1/13/86
3 The Attack of Dr. Mars 1/20/86
4 20,000 Leaks Under the Sea 1/27/86
5 Goodbye, Mr. Chump 2/3/86
6 Yogi Bear on the Air 2/10/86
7 Yogi and the Beanstalk 2/17/86
8 The Greed Monster 2/24/86
9 Secret Agent Bear 3/3/86

Season 2

# Name Date
1 Follow the Yellow Brick Gold 11/11/85
2 To Bee or Not to Bee 11/18/85
3 Heavens to Planetoid 11/25/85
4 Beswitched, Buddha'd and Bewildered 12/2/85
5 There's No Place Like Nome 12/9/86
6 The Great American Treasure 12/16/85
7 Huckle Hero 12/23/85
8 The Moaning Liza 12/30/85

Season 1

# Name Date
1 Riddle in the Middle of the Earth 9/2/85
2 Bungle in the Jungle 9/9/85
3 Countdown Drac 9/16/85
4 The Return of El Kabong 9/23/85
5 Ole the Red-Nosed Viking 9/30/85
6 The Curse of Tutti-Frutti 10/7/85
7 Yogi and the Unicorn 10/14/85
8 The Case of the Hopeless Diamond 10/21/85
9 Merlin's Lost Book of Magic 10/28/85
10 Beverly Hills Flop 11/4/85