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Закон и Порядок. Отдел оперативных расследований

Закон и Порядок. Отдел оперативных расследований

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Закон и Порядок. Отдел оперативных расследований

Drama, Crime

3/12/07 – 9/30/11


Russian Federation

What is Закон и Порядок. Отдел оперативных расследований about (plot, summary)

Zakon i Poryadok. Otdel operativnykh rassledovaniy - the Russian version of the world famous American series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. A special department investigates sex crimes. A team of specialists, consisting of two pairs of detectives, their chief and a prosecutor brilliantly reveal the most intricate and complex cases. The work on the show involves a forensic expert, who, in addition to advising in the adaptation of scenarios on technical issues, is also directly involved on the set as one of the episodic characters.