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Cobra The Animation: Episodios

Cobra The Animation

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Cobra The Animation

Ciencia ficción, Acción, Anime

2/1/10 – 27/3/10

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Key of Shiva 2/1/10
2 The Golden Gate 9/1/10
3 A Starless Street 16/1/10
4 The Ghost of El Dorado 23/1/10
5 The Legend of the Loitering Beauty 30/1/10
6 Mountain Climbing in Heat Haze 6/2/10
7 To the Summit 13/2/10
8 Mandrad 20/2/10
9 The Black Bullet 27/2/10
10 Galaxy Nights 6/3/10
11 The 13th Man 13/3/10
12 Demonic Entity of the Temple 20/3/10
13 Distant Memories 27/3/10