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Deepa & Anoop: Episodios

Deepa & Anoop

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Deepa & Anoop

15/8/22 – 15/8/22

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 Perfect for Par-Nani 7/11/22
2 Play It Safe 7/11/22
3 Surprise, Surprise! 7/11/22
4 Wind Beneath Her Wings 7/11/22
5 Science Spectacular 7/11/22
6 Sloth Slowdown 7/11/22
7 The Elephantalope 7/11/22
8 Bonkers for Bananas 7/11/22
9 Anoop Blasts Off 7/11/22
10 Speedy Slip-Ups 7/11/22
11 Sammy's Best Friend 7/11/22
12 Penguin Paradise 7/11/22
13 Leave It to Llamas 7/11/22
14 The Amazing Deepa 7/11/22
15 Mama and Deepa Day 7/11/22
16 Prepare the Bear 7/11/22

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 TBA 15/8/22
2 The Long Night / Staycation 15/8/22
3 Super Samosa / Deepa vs. the Dragon 15/8/22
4 Princess Anoop / Get Up Gramps 15/8/22
5 The Deepa Games / Rockin' Raki 15/8/22
6 Fix-It Father's Day / Bolly Diwali 15/8/22
7 Adventures with Beepy Bot / Mango Movie 15/8/22
8 Deepa's Pizzatastic Palace / What's the Buzz 15/8/22
9 Happy Holiday Day 15/8/22
10 Wedding Day Magic 15/8/22
11 Fix-It Father's Day 15/8/22
12 Bolly Diwali 15/8/22
13 Adventures with Beepy Bot 15/8/22
14 Mango Movie 15/8/22
15 Deepa's Pizzatastic Palace 15/8/22
16 What's the Buzz 15/8/22
17 Happy Holiday Day 15/8/22
18 Wedding Day Magic 15/8/22