Series TV Episodios Traducciones Próximas temporadas Personajes Actores

George and Martha: Episodios

George and Martha

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

George and Martha

Comedia, Familia

1/4/99 – 13/5/00

Estados Unidos

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Cold, The Campout 19/2/00
2 The Reader, The Decorator 20/2/00
3 The Badminton Tournament, The Caddy 26/2/00
4 The Roller Derby, The Spa 27/2/00
5 The Argument, Happy Palms' Finest 5/3/00
6 The Flying Donut, Martha's Cousin 12/3/00
7 The Big Splash, My Stars! 19/3/00
8 The Blabbermouth, Life and Breath 1/4/00
9 The Best Friends Show, The Sleepwalker 2/4/00
10 Funny Business, The Tease 8/4/00
11 The Play's the Thing, The Sore Loser 6/5/00
12 The Costumed Duo, Temper Temper 7/5/00
13 The Fibber, The Mascot 13/5/00

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Dance Recital, The Tooth 1/4/99
2 The Snoop, A Day at the Beach 2/4/99
3 The Scary Movie, The Book 3/4/99
4 The Big Scare, The French Lesson 4/4/99
5 The Mirror, The Special Gifts 25/4/00
6 The Picnic, The Trickster 2/5/99
7 The Trip, The Experiment 9/5/99
8 The Triple Dare, The Icky Story 16/5/99
9 The Garden, Split Pea Soup 23/5/99
10 The Acting Class, Baby Doll 30/5/99
11 The Comedian, The Prize 6/6/99
12 The Misunderstanding, The Secret Club 13/6/99
13 The Hypnotist, The Sweet Tooth 20/6/99