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Gloria: Episodios


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26/9/82 – 10/4/83

Estados Unidos

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The First Day 26/9/82
2 First Date 3/10/82
3 Bully for You 10/10/82
4 If at First You Don't Succeed 17/10/82
5 Pig in a Blanket 24/10/82
6 Teacher's Pet 31/10/82
7 Malpractice 7/11/82
8 F-F-Father's Day 21/11/82
9 The Taxman Cometh 28/11/82
10 Still Life with Cat 12/12/82
11 Miracle at Fox Ridge 19/12/82
12 Visitation 26/12/82
13 Gloria on the Couch 9/1/83
14 Love in the Past Tents 16/1/83
15 Truth and Consequences 23/1/83
16 Let's Call the Whole Thing Off 13/2/83
17 Death Row Dog 20/2/83
18 Coming Apart 27/2/83
19 It Almost Happend One Night 13/3/83
20 Class Struggle 3/4/83
21 An Uncredited Woman 10/4/83