Series TV Episodios Traducciones Próximas temporadas Personajes Actores

Heels: Episodios


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Drama, Deporte

15/8/21 – 10/10/21

Estados Unidos

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 TBA 28/7/23
2 The Journey Is the Obstacle 4/8/23
3 Discord 11/8/23
4 Heavy Heads 18/8/23
5 Who the Hell Is the Condamned? 25/8/23
6 Appearances 1/9/23
7 The Things That Matter 8/9/23
8 High Flying 15/9/23

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Kayfabe 15/8/21
2 Dusty Finish 22/8/21
3 Cheap Heat 29/8/21
4 Cutting Promos 5/9/21
5 Swerve 12/9/21
6 House Show 19/9/21
7 The Big Bad Fish Man 3/10/21
8 Double Turn 10/10/21