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Jinki:Extend: Episodios


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Ciencia ficción, Acción, Anime

5/1/05 – 22/2/06

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Battlefield the Girl Saw 5/1/05
2 The Trail of Tears 12/1/05
3 Quality and Quantity 19/1/05
4 Encounter 26/1/05
5 Foes and Friends 2/2/05
6 The Black Operator 9/2/05
7 Fulfilled Ambition 16/2/05
8 The Silver-winged Visitor 23/2/05
9 The Game's Winner 2/3/05
10 Red and Black 9/3/05
11 Family 16/3/05
12 Blue and Red 23/3/05
13 And Then 22/2/06