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Murphy's Law: Episodios

Murphy's Law

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Murphy's Law

Comedia, Drama

2/11/88 – 22/3/89

Estados Unidos

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Room Above the Indian Grocery 2/11/88
2 Where are My Socks and Other Mysteries of Love 3/12/88
3 If You Can't Win, Shoot for a Tie 10/12/88
4 Do Someone a Favor and It Becomes Your Job 17/12/88
5 Never Play Leapfrog with a Unicorn 14/1/89
6 Never Try to Teach a Pig to Sing 21/1/89
7 Two Wrongs are Only the Beginning 28/1/89
8 Never Wear Earmuffs in a Bed of Rattlesnakes 4/2/89
9 Where There's a Will, There's a Won't 11/2/89
10 When You're Over the Hill, You Pick Up Speed 18/2/89
11 Experience is Something You Don't Get Until Just After You Need It 11/3/89
12 Doing It the Hard Way is Always Easier 18/3/89
13 If Anything Can Go Wrong It Will 22/3/89