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Rokka no Yuusha: Episodios

Rokka no Yuusha

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Rokka no Yuusha

Aventura, Fantasía, Anime

5/7/15 – 20/9/15

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Strongest Man in the World 5/7/15
2 First Journey 12/7/15
3 The Girl Who Kills Braves 19/7/15
4 The Heroes Gather 26/7/15
5 The Seventh Brave 2/8/15
6 A Trap and a Rout 9/8/15
7 The Reason of the Two 16/8/15
8 The Average Man and the Genius 23/8/15
9 Blossoms of Doubt 30/8/15
10 Desperate Situation 6/9/15
11 Counterattack 13/9/15
12 The Time to Reveal the Answer 20/9/15