Series TV Episodios Traducciones Próximas temporadas Personajes Actores

School Spirits: Episodios

School Spirits

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

School Spirits

Drama, Fantasía

9/3/23 – 20/4/23

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 Whatever Happened to Maddie Nears? 31/1/25
2 Field of Screams 31/1/25
3 Can't Hauntly Wait 31/1/25
4 A Walk-in to Remember 6/2/25
5 Ghost Who's Coming to Dinner 13/2/25
6 Ghost Pointe Blank 20/2/25
7 Anatomy of a Fallout Shelter 27/2/25
8 Fire, Talk to Me 6/3/25

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 TBA 9/3/23
2 TBA 9/3/23
3 TBA 16/3/23
4 TBA 23/3/23
5 TBA 30/3/23
6 TBA 6/4/23
7 TBA 13/4/23
8 TBA 20/4/23