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Shimobee: Episodios


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Comedia, Drama

7/1/22 – 28/1/22

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Have you ever had such a youth drama? 7/1/22
2 It became even more interesting. It's a fight tonight! 14/1/22
3 I'm in the shower right now! Why karate showdown? 21/1/22
4 A youth drama that can no longer be explained. I have no choice but to see! 28/1/22
5 It's a school festival !! The performers also have a strange climax! 25/2/22
6 It's going to be a serious medical drama, but don't worry w 18/3/22
7 Final chapter! Who is the servant? (Don't say it now) 25/3/22
8 Let's welcome spring with Yurina! 25/3/22