Series TV Episodios Traducciones Próximas temporadas Personajes Actores

Teletubbies: Episodios


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– 11/1/01

Reino Unido

Temporada 13

# Episode name Fecha
1 Buying a Sari 11/12/00
2 Jack and the Beanstalk 12/12/00
3 Going In and Coming Out 13/12/00
4 Seals 14/12/00
5 Move with the Drum 15/12/00
6 Puppies 18/12/00
7 On Top and Underneath 19/12/00
8 Barrel Organ 20/12/00
9 Sleep Over 21/12/00
10 Afro-Caribbean Vegetables 22/12/00
11 Trikes 1/1/01
12 Our Story 2/1/01
13 Jabadao 3/1/01
14 Silvie's Fish Pond 4/1/01
15 Bluebells 5/1/01
16 Monkeys 11/1/01

Temporada 12

# Episode name Fecha
1 Mum's Portrait 31/7/00
2 Gold and Silver 1/8/00
3 Honky Tonk Piano 2/8/00
4 Running 3/8/00
5 Baby Elephant 4/8/00
6 Watering the Garden 7/8/00
7 Treasure Box 8/8/00
8 This is Our Park 9/8/00
9 Grasshoppers 10/8/00
10 My Mum's Breakfast 11/8/00
11 Ten Pin Bowling 14/8/00
12 Llama 15/8/00
13 Asian Storyteller 16/8/00
14 Up the Hill 17/8/00
15 Dog Kennel 18/8/00
16 Scrapbook 21/8/00
17 Collecting Stones 22/8/00
18 Grandad's Motorbike 23/8/00
19 Firefighter 24/8/00
20 Goats 25/8/00

Temporada 11

# Episode name Fecha
1 Stick Insect 22/11/99
2 Colours - Brown 23/11/99
3 Catching Leaves 24/11/99
4 Making a Den 25/11/99
5 Torches 26/11/99
6 Maori Singing 29/11/99
7 Ladybirds - Beetles 30/11/99
8 Pumpkin Face 1/12/99
9 Hide and Seek 2/12/99
10 Getting Up in the Morning 3/12/99
11 Game Drive 6/12/99
12 Colours - Red 7/12/99
13 Going Up and Coming Down 8/12/99
14 Making Music 9/12/99
15 Ducks 10/12/99
16 Bagels 13/12/99
17 Animal Rhythms 14/12/99
18 Rosie's Hairdo 15/12/99
19 Sea Tractor 16/12/99
20 Chameleon 17/12/99

Temporada 10

# Episode name Fecha
1 Brennan's Moonwalk 2/8/99
2 Crawling 3/8/99
3 Shrimps in the Sand 4/8/99
4 Cuddles Poor Paw 5/8/99
5 Handshapes - Turkey 6/8/99
6 Clay 9/8/99
7 Carousel 10/8/99
8 Ladybird 11/8/99
9 Yoga 12/8/99
10 Welly Walk 13/8/99
11 Circles 16/8/99
12 Seahorses 17/8/99
13 Shoeshine 18/8/99
14 Tram 19/8/99
15 Apple Pie 20/8/99
16 Spray Paint Mural 23/8/99
17 Skipping 24/8/99
18 Moon 25/8/99
19 Fox Cubs 26/8/99
20 Pavement Artist 27/8/99

Temporada 9

# Episode name Fecha
1 Fruit Tasting 15/3/99
2 Ice Skating 16/3/99
3 Sing a Song of Sixpence 17/3/99
4 Caterpillars 18/3/99
5 Mark Making Pictures 19/3/99
6 Clockwork 22/3/99
7 Mary Had a Little Lamb 23/3/99
8 Guess Who I Am 24/3/99
9 Hedgehogs 25/3/99
10 Boots 26/3/99

Temporada 8

# Episode name Fecha
1 Colours - Black 14/12/98
2 Pebbles 15/12/98
3 Otters 16/12/98
4 Decorating Boxes 17/12/98
5 Kathak Dancing 18/12/98
6 Christmas in South Africa 21/12/98
7 Christmas in Finland 22/12/98
8 Christmas in the United Kingdom 23/12/98
9 Christmas in Spain 24/12/98
10 Nativity Play 25/12/98
11 Towers 28/12/98
12 Oranges and Lemons 29/12/98
13 Feeding Baby Penguins 30/12/98
14 Trickle Painting 31/12/98
15 Catherine's Toy Farm 1/1/99
16 Ten Little Men Finger Play 4/1/99
17 Harp 5/1/99
18 Hermit Crabs 6/1/99
19 Making Mosaics 7/1/99
20 Ball Games with Debbie 8/1/99

Temporada 7

# Episode name Fecha
1 Colours - Purple 31/8/98
2 Ballet - Jack in the Box 1/9/98
3 Spiders 2/9/98
4 Blackberry Picking 2/9/98
5 Fancy Dress 4/9/98
6 Numbers - 5 7/9/98
7 Rebecca's Dog 8/9/98
8 Clogs 9/9/98
9 Cuddles Get Lost 10/9/98
10 Squeezy Painting 11/9/98
11 Woodlice 14/9/98
12 Land Yachting 15/9/98
13 Tropical Fish 16/9/98
14 My Piano 17/9/98
15 Twirlers 18/9/98
16 The Very Proud Crown 21/9/98
17 Boom-Boom Dance 22/9/98
18 Peacocks 23/9/98
19 Numbers - 6 24/9/98
20 Basketball 25/9/98
21 Rangoli 28/9/98
22 Frogs 29/9/98
23 Old King Cole 30/9/98
24 Jigsaw - Elephant 1/10/98
25 Funny Lady - Naughty Soap 2/10/98
26 Dad's Portrait 5/10/98
27 Colours - Orange 6/10/98
28 Piglets 7/10/98
29 Water 8/10/98
30 Wrapping 9/10/98
31 Making Bread 12/10/98
32 Ice Lollipops 12/10/98
33 Orange Picking 14/10/98
34 Double Bass 15/10/98
35 Numbers - 7 18/10/98
36 Sparkly Spider 19/10/98
37 Cat's Night Out 20/10/98
38 Chicks 21/10/98
39 Body to Body 22/10/98
40 Camping 23/10/98

Temporada 6

# Episode name Fecha
1 Tennis 22/6/98
2 Cows and Calves 23/6/98
3 The Pier 24/6/98
4 Becky's Flake Cakes 25/6/98
5 Hand Painting 26/6/98
6 Mark and Topus 29/6/98
7 Numbers - 10 30/6/98
8 Washing the Elephant 1/7/98
9 Windmill 2/7/98
10 Putting Angus to Bed 3/7/98
11 Hair Braiding 6/7/98
12 Kittens 7/7/98
13 Funny Walks 8/7/98
14 Jigsaw - Rabbits 9/7/98
15 My Violin 10/7/98
16 Boys and Eggs 13/7/98
17 Hovercraft 14/7/98
18 Robin 15/7/98
19 Feeding My Baby Sister 16/7/98
20 Long Horns 17/7/98

Temporada 5

# Episode name Fecha
1 Naughty Sock Returns 23/3/98
2 Penguins 24/3/98
3 Ned's Geraniums 25/3/98
4 Digging in the Sand for Crabs 26/3/98
5 Samira's Gymnastics 27/3/98
6 Milking Cows 30/3/98
7 Flamenco Dancing 31/3/98
8 Cafe Eggs 1/4/98
9 Drumming with Norris 2/4/98
10 Making Fantastic Animals 3/4/98
11 Feeding the Monkeys 6/4/98
12 Naughty Hat 7/8/98
13 Gingerbread Boy 8/4/98
14 Rabbits 9/4/98
15 Painting Easter Eggs 10/4/98
16 Finding Chocolate Eggs 13/4/98
17 Turban 14/4/98
18 My Dad's a Tram Driver 15/4/98
19 Football 16/4/98
20 Naughty Sausage 17/4/98
21 Animals - Snails 27/4/98
22 Numbers - 3 28/4/98
23 Dentist 29/4/98
24 Making Salad 30/4/98
25 Making Lanterns 1/5/98
26 Colours - Green 4/5/98
27 Our Dog Alice 5/5/98
28 Tulips 6/5/98
29 Sea Lions 7/5/98
30 Statues 8/5/98
31 Cygnets 11/5/98
32 Rollerblading 12/5/98
33 Naughty Duck 13/5/98
34 Ice Cream Sundae 14/5/98
35 Playing with Dough 15/5/98
36 Kite Flying 18/5/98
37 Ballet Rhymes 19/5/98
38 Numbers - 4 20/5/98
39 Haircut 21/5/98
40 Carnival II 22/5/98

Temporada 4

# Episode name Fecha
1 Little Baby 8/12/97
2 How Things Swim 9/12/97
3 Naughty Horse Returns 10/12/97
4 Bell Ringing 11/12/97
5 Colors - Blue 12/12/97
6 Christening 15/12/97
7 Feeding Sheep in Winter 16/12/97
8 Hanukkah 17/12/97
9 Washing Up 18/12/97
10 Numbers - 5 19/12/97
11 Christmas Tree 22/12/97
12 Making Christmas Cards 23/12/97
13 Crackers 24/12/97
14 Christmas Carols 25/12/97
15 Snowy Story 26/12/97
16 Level Crossing 29/12/97
17 Becky and Jed Find Eggs 30/12/97
18 Rocking Chair 31/12/97
19 Colours - Pink 1/1/98
20 Living in Flats 2/1/98
21 Urban Walk 5/1/98
22 Our Calf Treacle 6/1/98
23 Naughty Pig 7/1/98
24 Washing the Car 8/1/98
25 Handy Hands 9/1/98
26 Playing Ball 12/1/98
27 Irish Dancing 13/1/98
28 Numbers - Two 13/1/98
29 Giraffes 15/1/98
30 Amy's House 16/1/98

Temporada 3

# Episode name Fecha
1 Butterfly 1/9/97
2 Carnival 2/9/97
3 Naughty Snake 3/9/97
4 Guessing Game 4/9/97
5 Numbers - Four 5/9/97
6 Dandelion Clocks 8/9/97
7 Colours - Yellow 9/9/97
8 Josie's Pots 10/9/97
9 Animals 4 - Fish 11/9/97
10 Hickory Dickory Dock 12/9/97
11 Numbers - Six 15/9/97
12 Wake-Up 16/9/97
13 Sophie Art - Circus 17/9/97
14 Emily Washing the Pony 18/9/97
15 Gymnastics 19/9/97
16 Sandcastles 22/9/97
17 Walking the Dog 23/9/97
18 Sand Pendulum 24/9/97
19 Going on a Train 25/9/97
20 Herding Sheep 26/9/97
21 Eid's New Clothes 29/9/97
22 Picking and Sorting 30/9/97
23 Numbers - Nine 1/10/97
24 Going to School by Boat 2/10/97
25 Squirrels 2/10/97
26 Dry Stone Wall 6/10/97
27 Urban Birds 7/10/97
28 Bubble Pictures 8/10/97
29 Good Morning 9/10/97
30 Numbers - Eight 10/10/97
31 Monkey Safari 13/10/97
32 Leaves 14/10/97
33 Flamenco Guitar 15/10/97
34 Numbers - 1 16/10/97
35 Stop and Go 17/10/97
36 Chinese New Year 20/10/97
37 Pancakes 21/10/97
38 Funghi the Dolphin 22/10/97
39 Music with Debbie 23/10/97
40 Mandir Temple 24/10/97

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 Gospel Singing 23/6/97
2 Mark and Zoe Cooking 24/6/97
3 Arthur Robot Story 25/6/97
4 Hey Diddle Diddle 26/6/97
5 Dirty Dog 27/6/97
6 Going for a Walk 30/6/97
7 Music with Debbie 1/7/97
8 Numbers - Three 2/7/97
9 Haymaking 3/7/97
10 Naughty Cloud 4/7/97
11 I Want to Be a Vet 7/7/97
12 Ned's Potatoes 8/7/97
13 Digging in the Sand 9/7/97
14 Sarah, Fraser and the Ducks 10/7/97
15 Throwing 11/7/97
16 Lighthouse 14/7/97
17 Naughty Bee 15/7/97
18 Paddling Pool 16/7/97
19 Numbers - Five 17/7/97
20 Swans 18/7/97

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Ned's Bicycle 31/3/97
2 Our Pig Winnie 1/4/97
3 Grand Old Duke of York 2/4/97
4 Funny Lady - Naughty Sock 3/4/97
5 Painting with Hands and Feet 4/4/97
6 Lambs 7/4/97
7 Playing in the Rain 8/4/97
8 Dad's Lorry 9/4/97
9 Numbers - One 10/4/97
10 Making Flowers 11/4/97
11 See-Saw 14/4/97
12 Photo Faces 15/4/97
13 Owl Babies 16/4/97
14 Larette Tap Dancing 17/4/97
15 Emily and Jester 18/4/97
16 Delilah Packing 21/4/97
17 Humpty Dumpty 22/4/97
18 Feeding the Chickens 23/4/97
19 Helicopter 24/4/97
20 Balancing 25/4/97
21 Building a Barbecue 28/4/97
22 Jumping 29/4/97
23 Rockpool 30/4/97
24 Drawing Cacti 1/5/97
25 Washing the Bus 2/5/97
26 Café Chocolate 5/5/97
27 Emily and the Trap 6/5/97
28 Beach 7/4/97
29 Rolling 8/5/97
30 Numbers: 2 9/5/97
31 Swimming with Stephanie 12/5/97
32 Yellow Cow 18/4/97
33 Mum's Keyboard 14/5/97
34 Walking in the Woods 15/5/97
35 Strawberry Picking 16/5/97
36 Shadows 19/5/97
37 Painting Swings 20/5/97
38 My Mum's a Doctor 21/5/97
39 Tweet Tweet 22/5/97
40 Bubbles 23/5/97