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The Associates: Episodios

The Associates

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

The Associates



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Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The First Day 23/9/79
2 Is Romance Dead? 30/9/79
3 Tucker's Courtroom Coup 7/10/79
4 Mr. Marshall's Love Affair 14/10/79
5 A Date with Johnny 21/10/79
6 Eliot's Deadly Serve (a.k.a. The Deadly Serve) 28/10/79
7 Eliot's Revenge 27/3/80
8 Danko's a Daddy 3/4/80
9 The Censors 10/4/80
10 The Party 17/4/80
11 Tucker's Co-op
12 Inferno
13 The Out of Town Trip