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The Fabulous: Episodios

The Fabulous

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

The Fabulous

Comedia, Drama, Romántico

23/12/22 – 23/12/22

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Dom Pérignon and a Shot of Soju 23/12/22
2 Grandmother’s Scarf and the Cheongdam Fashion Circle 23/12/22
3 The VIP and The Regular 23/12/22
4 The Pop-up Shop and the Tailor Shop 23/12/22
5 Followers and Following 23/12/22
6 The Photo Wall and the Exhibition 23/12/22
7 Vintage and Sustainability 23/12/22
8 Fashion and Passion 23/12/22