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The New Adventures of Batman: Episodios

The New Adventures of Batman

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

The New Adventures of Batman

Aventura, Ciencia ficción, Acción

– 26/5/77

Estados Unidos

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Pest 12/2/77
2 The Moonman 19/2/77
3 Trouble Identity 26/2/77
4 A Sweet Joke on Gotham City 5/3/77
5 The Bermuda Rectangle 12/3/77
6 Bite-Sized 19/3/77
7 Reading, Writing & Wronging 26/3/77
8 The Chameleon 2/4/77
9 He Who Laughs Last 9/4/77
10 The Deep Freeze 16/4/77
11 Dead Ringers 23/4/77
12 Curses! Oiled Again! 30/4/77
13 Birds of a Feather Fool Around Together 7/5/77
14 Have an Evil Day (1) 14/5/77
15 Have an Evil Day (2) 21/5/77
16 This Looks Like a Job for Bat-Mite! 28/5/77