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Tiger Mask W: Episodios

Tiger Mask W

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Tiger Mask W

Drama, Acción, Anime

1/10/16 – 1/7/17

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 The Two Tigers 1/10/16
2 Tiger and Lion 8/10/16
3 The Tiger's Legacy 15/10/16
4 The Mask of Red Death 22/10/16
5 The Mystey of Fukuyama Mask 29/10/16
6 Idol vs. Heel 5/11/16
7 Naoto and Naoto 12/11/16
8 Tiger's Den Bares Fangs 26/11/16
9 The Stormy Opening Match 3/12/16
10 The Mysterious Mister Question 10/12/16
11 The Tiger's Killer Move 17/12/16
12 Tiger vs. Tiger 24/12/16
13 A False Victory 7/1/17
14 Crossroads 14/1/17
15 Fierce Fight: Bigfoot Match 21/1/17
16 A Capable Promoter 28/1/17
17 Don't Be a Softy 4/2/17
18 Spring Tiger Is Born 11/2/17
19 The Escape from Hell 18/2/17
20 The Gatekeeper of Hell 25/2/17
21 Reunion 4/3/17
22 Fukuwara Mask's Ambition 11/3/17
23 War Games Open 18/3/17
24 The Fierce Tigers Clash Again 25/3/17
25 The Tiger's Identity 1/4/17
26 The Mysterious Miracle 1 8/4/17
27 A Deadly Match Against King Tiger 15/4/17
28 The Yellow Demon 22/4/17
29 The Solitary Tiger 29/4/17
30 The Tiger's Sanction 6/5/17
31 Showdown with the Arashi Juken Style 13/5/17
32 Lumberjack 20/5/17
33 Assassin from the Past 27/5/17
34 Grand Melee 3/6/17
35 Tiger Fang Strike 10/6/17
36 Four Tigers 17/6/17
37 Farewell Tiger 24/6/17
38 Masked Tiger Springer 1/7/17