Series TV Episodios Traducciones Próximas temporadas Personajes Actores

Transformers: Prime: Episodios

Transformers: Prime

✔ ¡Calificación guardada!

Transformers: Prime

Aventura, Acción

26/11/10 – 26/7/13

Estados Unidos

Temporada 3

# Episode name Fecha
1 Darkmount, NV 22/3/13
2 Scattered 29/3/13
3 Prey 5/4/13
4 Rebellion 12/4/13
5 Project Predacon 17/5/13
6 Chain of Command 24/5/13
7 Plus One 31/5/13
8 Thirst 7/6/13
9 Evolution 28/6/13
10 Minus One 5/7/13
11 Persuasion 12/7/13
12 Synthesis 19/7/13
13 Deadlock 26/7/13

Temporada 2

# Episode name Fecha
1 Orion Pax (1) 18/2/12
2 Orion Pax (2) 25/2/12
3 Orion Pax (3) 3/3/12
4 Operation: Bumblebee (1) 10/3/12
5 Operation: Bumblebee (2) 17/3/12
6 Loose Cannons 24/3/12
7 Crossfire 31/3/12
8 Nemesis Prime 7/4/12
9 Grill 14/4/12
10 Armada 21/4/12
11 Flying Mind 28/4/12
12 Tunnel Vision 5/5/12
13 Triangulation 12/5/12
14 Triage 19/5/12
15 Toxicity 26/5/12
16 Hurt 24/8/12
17 Out of the Past 31/8/12
18 New Recruit 7/9/12
19 The Human Factor 14/9/12
20 Legacy 21/9/12
21 Alpha/Omega 28/9/12
22 Hard Knocks 5/10/12
23 Inside Job 12/10/12
24 Patch 19/10/12
25 Regeneration 26/10/12
26 Darkest Hour 2/11/12

Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Darkness Rising (1) 26/11/10
2 Darkness Rising (2) 26/11/10
3 Darkness Rising (3) 1/12/10
4 Darkness Rising (4) 2/12/10
5 Darkness Rising (5) 3/12/10
6 Masters & Students 11/2/11
7 Scrapheap 18/2/11
8 Con Job 25/2/11
9 Convoy 4/3/11
10 Deus Ex Machina 11/3/11
11 Speed Metal 8/4/11
12 Predatory 15/4/11
13 Sick Mind (1) 29/4/11
14 Out of His Head (2) 7/5/11
15 ShadowZone 14/5/11
16 Operation: Breakdown 18/6/11
17 Crisscross 25/6/11
18 Metal Attraction 9/7/11
19 Rock Bottom 16/7/11
20 Partners 23/7/11
21 T.M.I. 10/9/11
22 Stronger, Faster 17/9/11
23 One Shall Fall 24/9/11
24 One Shall Rise (1) 1/10/11
25 One Shall Rise (2) 8/10/11
26 One Shall Rise (3) 15/10/11