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Tsukiuta. The Animation: Episodios

Tsukiuta. The Animation

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Tsukiuta. The Animation



Temporada 1

# Episode name Fecha
1 Betting on the Handshake Event! 6/7/16
2 Glasswork Heart 13/7/16
3 Going Far Beyond 20/7/16
4 On a New Path 27/7/16
5 A Chance Encounter with the Past 3/8/16
6 A Smart Detective!? 10/8/16
7 The Hajime Mutsuki Expedition 17/8/16
8 Round Moon 24/8/16
9 Night of Overlapping Patterns 31/8/16
10 Blue Flame 7/9/16
11 Moment of Indecision 14/9/16
12 Full Moon Festival 21/9/16
13 Song of the Moon 28/9/16